Sunday, May 3, 2009

Has our faith in the church disappeared forever or is this just a lull in our worship?

Humans are (unfortunately) very like sheep, we like to follow others and have something to work towards. It used to be religion which kept us on our toes, the priest was the be all and end all, a figure of power and might. Now with the numbers of religious vocations declining at a rapid rate and an aging priesthood it seems that we have decided to follow something else.
Perhaps it is because we have had to expand our religious views, there is not just one religion in Ireland any more, there are loads to choose from.
So we question ourselves more about whether we can be in the 'correct' religion as surely, we all think, these religions cant all be the right ones. Some of us have to be wrong!
It could be that we are afraid of joining the wrong one too, therefore worshiping a false god. 
Gone are the times of a son or daughter being held in high regard after joining the priesthood or nunnery. Nowadays parents are more likely to bring you to a doctor if you declare a calling to the religious life.

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