Monday, April 20, 2009

Of course I don’t think we should all be taking religion to the extreme like some of the images we get from Israel etc. I have seen images and videos of people ‘re-living’ Jesus’ last walk bearing the cross and being nailed to it also.
Imagine seeing that at the top of O Connell St!
But I do believe there should be more respect for religion in Ireland. Its not that it is non existent, in any town in Ireland there is always less graffiti and rubbish around the churches, although the same cannot be said for graveyards unfortunately.
They seem to have become places for ‘knacker drinking’ where youths conjugate to drink alcohol in little known areas. Now im not saying all youths do this, but some do.

But Jesus (supposedly) gave his life for us, he died for sins we committed. So where has the respect for him disappeared to in the last 50 years or so?
The generation before this one still holds respect for church holidays and actively participate in church activities. Yet how many younger people will obey church 'rules' such as fast days and refraining from use of contraception.

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