Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Paddy’s day has been and gone, our national and unofficial day of drinking and thanking our patron saint for ridding our isle of snakes. (Regardless of the fact that fossils show Ireland has never had a snake of any kind.)

Recently, I was at the receiving end of a near death experience, now while this has not had any effect on my own personal views of religion, I can now see how some people might drastically change their lives after such an experience.
It has, in one aspect, made me think about life more, about how we are such fragile parts of this world.
The fearful part of this experience for me, though, was that it was a natural force that caused it, the Atlantic Ocean. It proved to me that although humans may think we control the earth and that we are the force to be reckoned with, we are in fact, weak.

Can it all just be a coincidence? That everything all just came together at the right time, the right temperature, the right place, and combined to make this wonderful world. Where we have televisions, iphones and fridge magnets, where we can graph the evolution of man from prehistoric times and yet still be unable to find that missing link when animal became man.
It has to be said here that most Christians’ do not know the full story, that there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands, of books in the Vatican in Rome, containing undisclosed information that has not been deemed ‘suitable’ for the public to hear. Yet why the secrecy?
Wouldn’t it be fairer if our respective schools and teachers told us this? Personally I found out about it by accident, while reading The Da Vinci Code which then made me more interested in finding out about these hidden books.
Just why aren’t we allowed to have the Gospel of Judas proclaimed from the Catholic pulpit every Sunday? If we were given the full story, then it would seem less like we were being manipulated into our beliefs by selective preaching.

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